Bharat Bandh: Over 200 million workers have participated in Nationwide Strike

All India or Nationwide Strike begin from Wednesday with over 200 million workers from various sectors joining in the protest against demanding 12 things from government, and government of India is not fulfilling them, and according to reports more than Rs 22,000 crore if bank and cash transaction are going to hit throughout a day. 

Bharat Bandh
This Nationwide strike is going to be 19th strike in India after last year's strike on the same date 8-Jan 2019

Trade Union has 12 points of demand that they want from GOI to fulfill, which includes Minimum wages Rs 21,000 per month, Better Job creation, Rollback of polices, tripartite discussion on labor reform, no to the privatisation of profit-making public sector enterprises and the universal pension system.

This Nationwide strike is going to be 19th strike in India after last year's strike on the same date 8-Jan 2019.

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