Bollywood Actor Sunny Deol Joins BJP (Bharatya Janta Party) on this Tuesday

Sunny Deol gets the ticket of Gurdaspur constituency  by Bharat Janata part for this year Lok Shaba election 2019

Fomous Bollywood actor Sunny Deol, Son of legendary Dharam Singh Deol, join Bhartiya Janta party and going to Contest At Gurdaspur, Punjab Consistency. Sunny Deol words after joining at National capital headquarters of BJP was " My father had worked with Atal Ji and supported Atal Ji so today I am here to support Modi Ji because our Indian need people like Modi Ji  and I promise that I will work more and Talk less " 

Sunny Deol receiving Ticket for Gurdaspur Constituency
BJP gives Sunny Deol Ticket from Punjab Gurdaspur Area from where he will fight MP elections also Gurdaspur is the same place from where Late Shri Vinod Khanna won the Mp seat in last 2014 Lok Shaba election.

So now Bollywood actor Sunny Deol will fight for MP seat in the Gurdaspur constituency to support Narendra Modi Ji 

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